9th Grade Physical Education


Fitness for Life

Fitness for Life is an individualized, concepts-based, one-semester course designed to give students the knowledge and skills necessary to self-assess, create, conduct, evaluate, and redesign personal fitness programs. It is required of all students and there are no substitutions, including participation in athletics. Fitness for Life may be taken anytime during grades nine through twelve, but it is strongly recommended that students take the class in either the ninth or tenth grade year. The course is a combination of classroom and activity-based learning activities with a focus on proper nutrition and the mastery of skills and concepts necessary for students to become accomplished monitors of their personal lifetime fitness. Through participation, students learn to compare the fitness benefits in a variety of individual and team activities.

Students become proficient in the use of a variety of assessments, measurement devices, exercise equipment, web and community resources, and computer software. Assigned reading and writing assignments, which include activity journals and portfolios, broaden the physical education experience and contribute to the literacy of students. An approved student text or the USOE Fitness for Life Curriculum Guide is an integral part of the course. Opportunities for academic service-learning are made available to students.

Fitness for Life presents students with the most substantial fitness education they will receive in high school. The teacher directly supervises classroom and participation sessions and serves as both facilitator and instructor working to individualize programs and outcomes for students. Fitness testing is used to establish individual baseline levels for designing fitness programs, to show improvement, and to provide students with personal information. Scores on fitness tests are not used as the primary or only measure of success in Fitness for Life. The FitnessGram and the Presidential Physical Fitness Test are recommended for use in this class.

Outside resources such as guest speakers and local facilities are utilized to increase the effectiveness of this course. Teachers guide students to make individual decisions about their personal fitness programs and to develop positive attitudes and behaviors toward proper nutrition and fitness activities.

Measures are taken to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students. Equipment is inspected and maintained in proper working condition, and facilities are kept clean and free from hazards. Activities are offered which are safe and developmentally appropriate. Enrollment numbers meet Northwest accreditation limiting standards so students are safely supervised, and the curriculum is delivered effectively. Students feel free to participate and explore without the fear of failure, harm, or ridicule.

Fitness for Life may be taught in conjunction and integrated with the required Health Education course in the tenth grade. This course is a two-semester class, is team-taught, and students receive .5 credit for Health and .5 credit for Fitness for Life. Students do not receive health or physical education credit when they have attended the combined course for only one semester.

There are no substitutes for this class, but students may elect to take Fitness for Life through the Electronic High School or earn credit by passing the Fitness for Life Competency Test if offered by the local district.



Fitness for Life Core Curriculum

Standard 1: Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the fitness outcomes in a variety of activities.

  1. Demonstrate basic competence in a variety of activities that contribute toimprovement of

    overall fitness.

  2. Analyze daily activities such as walking, climbing, lifting, and various household chores

    for their ability to provide fitness benefits.

  3. Modify sports and activities to include an aerobic benefit.

  4. Use FITT (frequency, intensity, time, type) guidelines to evaluate activities.

Objective 2: Demonstrate active participation outside of the school day.

  1. Participate in recreational activities offered through community agencies.

  2. Participate in activities developing fitness outside of the school day.

  3. Maintain activity journals illustrating activity participation outside of school hours.

Standard 2: Students will demonstrate understanding of movement, fitness and nutrition concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to the learning and performance of fitness activities.

Objective 1: Recognize the relationship between physical activity and personal health.

  1. Recognize that health-related fitness is a lifelong process unique to each individual.

  2. Identify genetic influences on body type, sedentary lifestyle diseases, muscle types, and

    rates of weight gain and loss.

  3. Describe how physical activity affects body mass composition, including muscle and fat

    percentages and bone density.

  4. Describe the mental, social, and psychological benefits of physical activity.

  5. Describe how exercise increases longevity and quality of life through the reduction of


Objective 2: Explain the elements of physical fitness, e.g., flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition).

  1. Review the elements of physical fitness.

  2. Define maximum volume of oxygen uptake (VO2 Max), respiratory rate, cardiac output,

    stroke volume, and heart rate, all concepts of cardiovascular endurance.

  3. Explore concepts related to flexibility, e.g., genetics, static vs. ballistic stretching, and joint


  4. Explain the concepts related to muscular strength, e.g., isotonic, isometric, and isokinetic

    exercises, the overload principle, and the work/rest ratio.

  5. Explain the concepts related to muscular endurance, e.g., high repetitions with low

    resistance, sport specificity, and the work/rest ratio.

  6. Explain the concepts related to body composition, e.g., the difference between being

    overweight and obese, genetic influences, and various ways to measure body composition.


Objective 3: Explain training principles and how they impact physical fitness.

  1. Explain the principles of warm-up and cool-down as they relate to proper stretching, active

    vs. passive recovery, and injury prevention and rehabilitation.

  2. Explain methods and the importance of using heart rates to monitor the intensity of

    physical activities.

  3. Calculate individual target heart rate training zones by using the maximum heart rate

    formula or maximum heart rate reserve formula.

  4. Provide definitions for overload, progression, specificity, reversibility, frequency,

    duration, intensity, and rest and recovery.

  5. Compare aerobic and anaerobic activities, showing examples of each.

  6. Observe safety precautions in training, e.g., over-training, altitude, pollution, and

    temperature extremes.

  7. Develop weight-training programs to build muscular strength, muscular endurance or a

    combination of the two.

Objective 4: Understand the relationship between proper nutrition and personal health and fitness.

  1. Explain the role of nutrition in overall health and fitness.

  2. Explain proper balance between food intake and energy expenditure.

  3. Compare the effects and/or dangers of weight loss and gain on body composition and

    personal health.

  4. Identify the benefits and dangers of various dietary supplements such as vitamins,

    minerals, herbs, power drinks, steroids, and performance-enhancing drugs.

  5. Identify strategies for developing a healthy self-concept and acceptance of one’s body


Standard 3: Students will participate regularly in physical activity.

Objective 1: Assess personal health and fitness levels.

  1. Research family history for health-risk factors such as coronary heart disease, cancer,

    diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

  2. Assessknownpersonalhealthriskfactorsconsideringage,gender,bodycomposition,

    blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, and daily stress situations.

  3. Assesspersonalfitnessstatusregardingactivityparticipation,energyexpenditure,

    elements of physical fitness, and nutritional practices.

Objective 2: Develop and implement a personal fitness plan.

  1. Pre-test to establish baseline fitness information for muscular strength and endurance,

    flexibility, body composition, heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiovascular endurance.

  2. Develop personal fitness goals based on the pre-testing results and use a post-test to show

    progress and improvement.

  3. List and evaluate activities that develop specific elements of physical fitness.

  4. Participate in a variety of individual and group activities appropriate for enhancing

    physical fitness both during and after school hours.

  5. Incorporate appropriate training principles including overload, progression, specificity,

    intervals, circuits, reversibility, maximum heart rate, target heart rate, perceived exertion, and rest and recovery.


f. Calculate and monitor daily caloric intake and expenditure for weight management, and utilize an activity journal to track progress.

Standard 4: Students will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Objective 1: Participate in personally meaningful activities.

  1. Participate regularly in physical activities that contribute to the attainment and

    maintenance of personal fitness goals.

  2. Use results of post fitness assessments to guide changes in fitness plan.

  3. Analyze time, cost, and accessibility factors in determining activity participation in

    community settings.

  4. Recognize how physical activities impact a person’s physical, emotional, social, and

    intellectual well-being.

Objective 2: Use a variety of technological resources to design, monitor, and adjust fitness programs.

  1. Useheartratemonitorsorpulsestickstomonitorheartrates.

  2. Calculate body composition by using skin-fold calipers or electrical impedance analyzers.

  3. Calculate blood pressure using digital monitors.

  4. Use computer software to track progress in fitness programs and to perform a nutritional


  5. Access various websites to assist in developing, evaluating, and revising personal fitness


Standard 5: Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Objective 1: Accept diversity of people in activity settings.

  1. Demonstrateacceptanceofothersregardingvaryingskills,abilities,limitations,and

    cultural backgrounds.

  2. Takeanactiveroleinhelpingothersachievesuccess.

  3. Identify the effects of age, gender, race, ethnicity, physical makeup, and culture on

    physical activity preference and participation.

Objective 2: Make responsible choices in activity settings.

  1. Recognize the effects of environmental conditions like wind, temperature, humidity, and

    altitude on activity performance.

  2. Examine the effects of substance abuse on health and performance.

  3. Explore the consequences of eating disorders at either end of the spectrum.

  4. Identify appropriate risks and safety factors in the selection of fitness activities.

  5. Accept responsibility for personal choices.


Objective 3: Demonstrate personal responsibility and the ability to work with others in activity settings.

  1. Utilize time effectively to set personal goals, practice, and complete assigned tasks.

  2. Work independently and on task with a partner and in small or large group activities.

  3. Demonstratematurityandself-controlinconflictsituations.

  4. Take a supportive role to encourage and positively influence peers in a variety of activity


  5. Participate in academic service-learning activities available in the community.

Standard 6: Students will value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

Objective 1: Understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment and social interaction.

  1. Select competitive and recreational activities that bring personal satisfaction.

  2. Appreciate the aesthetic value of activity participation in a variety of settings.

  3. Recognize that physical activities offer a positive environment to meet and interact with

    people of varying interests and ability levels.

  4. Describe how the participation with others can positively influence the attainment of

    personal fitness goals.

Objective 2: Recognize that physical activity provides opportunities for personal challenge.

  1. Explore a variety of personally challenging activities during and after school hours.

  2. Voluntarilyparticipateincompetitiveandrecreationalactivities.

  3. Utilize short- and long-term goals in activity selection.

  4. Define challenges and risk factors that change with the aging process.

Objective 3: Utilize physical activities to provide opportunities for self-expression.

  1. Choose activities that are personally rewarding.

  2. Utilize imagination, self-expression, and creativity in designing personal fitness plans.

  3. Bolsterself-esteemthroughactivityparticipation.

  4. Participate in programs and facilities in the community that foster activity choice and
